Dogs - Questions & Answers
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All Questions (187)
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My dog is aggressive towards my husband when the dog is near me and my husband approaches me.
My dog acts aggressive towards other dogs and then is alright with them most of the time, but I'm worried because sometimes the other dog will respond back aggressively and then the tension escalates and dont want my dog getting hurt. He's a Maltese and I may need to board him for a few days out of the week and worry if he'll be o.k. What should I do?
Which dogs don't shed?
I'm guessing poodles. We have a mini Goldendoodle and a Labradoodle. Both she'd bad!
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Where can I get low cost spaying
Portland, Oregon has At the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon.They take the cats from the neighborhood and "fix" them, and bring them back to that neighborhood. Check it out
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